Xidea DVD Editor Plus is a nice pick for everyone who enjoys making original home videos and sound tracks. It lets users split and join video files, make slide-shows and supply them with original audio files. The software also allows applying a wealth of video effects to your project, such as color adjustment, blurring and diffusion effects, drawing frames, zoom, mirror and flip transformations and many more. Though at first sight the software may seem complex, it can be operated easily even by novices due to the abundance of in-program help.
Backup the vital data on your PC.
Noing Backup Data is a user-friendly tool that lets you archive your important data. It enables you to backup files and folders, registry keys, e-mails and user settings to virtually any destination. The program has a wizard-driven interface; moreover, new users will appreciate the opportunity to view the quick tour. Besides, the program scores points for its free price. Read the full review.
Increase your cultural awareness.
What does the OK gesture mean in Japan? Why shouldn’t you salt your food when invited for dinner to an Egyptian’s home? What should you not ask when interviewing an Indian candidate for a job? Find answers to these and many other questions in an online resource providing heaps of useful information on intercultural communication. Read the full review.
Simple data protection tool.
Hide My Files offers a simple file protection algorithm wrapped in an utterly simple interface. You can only lock or unlock folders from within the program which is password protected, so nobody will be able to hack your data unless they know the password. Hide My Files does not actually hide locked folders – they are visible but masked with a control panel icon. We see the software as a reliable solution to secure your data from intruders provided you don’t mind that your files are protected but not hidden. Read the full review.
Extract text from a web page.
It often happens that all we need in a web page is pure text, without all those graphics, links, etc. If this is your case, check out Web Printer – a basic browser whose main function is to extract text from a web page and let you save or print it. The simple browser interface displays a web page as it is in its main window, and shows bare text in a small box beside it. Read the full review.