Dear all! We have released Free Download Manager 2.5. FDM is now released under GNU General Public License!
Of course, this is not the only thing you can rejoice at, as FDM 2.5 opens up new opportunities for its loyal users, as well as for those who are just about to join the FDM community.
What’s new:
- Flash video download
- Audio / video files converter
- Bittorent support
- Easy file sharing
- Remote control
- Portable mode
- Metalink support
- General Public License
- Multilanguage support (desired language may be chosen during installation)
See the full features list.Â
Free Download Manager 2.5 is available for free download here. Enjoy!
Thank you very much for this program from turkey. best regards….
Hey this program shows an absolute upgrade for FDM community so plz staff continue upgrading features and releasing even newer programs
Thanx My fav DL man is GNU now
There’s also Metalink support!
I tested many free and commercial download managers. FDM is one of the best application of this type. Big thanks to the authors. Good work!
You are great. Thank you very much!!!
lol !! What more can I ask for!!!
thank u verey much
thnk you>>> keep it up…..
Thanks very much. I hope will be the best.
Thaaank you, best download manager for me for years now!
it is thebest thank you . we need this help alots from fdm
Great software. The best when it is set right but setting it is really diificult. Can’t all the options be grouped together?
Nice to have something that works painlessly with Rapidshare.
Thanks guys for a great job.
The best download manager ever,beats even shareware ones.
Using it since the first version,then betas and now i’m going to
install the final one – 2.5 buld 700
Big Thanks again,wish you success in your great work!
FDM user From Georgia.
Its a great program i was able to download nearly 1GB from a 56 kbps line
Excellent Download Manager ever build!!, it made me impressed since I try it on version 2.x. I really really love it and hopefully this version (or later maybe) can be used as “portable”. I give it a shot later.. ;)) thanks author and teams.
this is good jooooooooooooooo
Hello FDM Team!
I’ve used your product now for many months. Thank you so very much!
I own and operate a paid review website that you might be interested in. If ever you would like me to review FDM, please contact me via email and let me know, so that we can discuss mutually beneficial terms.
In my side bar, there is a section called: “Personally Owned and Recommended Software.” Very few programs will be entered in there and if the review is done, FDM would definitely be entered.
My site is also mirrored with at least 9 other respected pay-to-blog sites, so you could be sure that the review would have wide exposure.
You’ll get bought by Microsoft if you’re not careful…
Good job!
You guys delivered a great multipurpose download manager. My years of searching for the best download manager finally ends here.
You guys are the best!
We will do what we can to promote your wonderful product.
Thanks a lot!!!!!… The Free Community is so happy!!!!… We won’t disappoint you!!!
Thank you very much! You did a great work !!!
I’m amazed with the integration of bittorent support. Fast downloads! great work! God bless!
2 Stephane:
Hi! This is one of the main current interface issues now. In the next version
settings will be grouped in a more convenient way
Tks, this is “the internet vacuum cleaner “, amazing product! Keep Up!
This is the only multipurpose download manager that helped me do my job without any hiccups and works very well, very kind of you for including torrent support and making this free. Thanks a lot. GOD Bless You!
i’m really happy…
but,can it used by LINUX?…..(on system requirement,only can used by windows?)
please reply to my email…
Thanks for the amazing program… been using it since 2 years now … thinks since version 1.8… great software… now its opensource… its even better…
HUGE Thanks! I have to download about a half dozen patches for World of Warcraft, amounting to over 700 MB via my 56K dial-up connection. FDM will make this a LOT less painful!
great very good
good software reliable
best, best, best and again best!…Oh yea, on the WORLD and more!
Thanks for the quick stuff….User friendly too
2 Sanada_Warrior
No, we are afraid it cannot be used by LINUX.
Muy buen programa, felicitaciones y gracias por este gran aporte.
Thank you !
One more proof that the best things are free!
Keep the good work.
Greetings from Nis – Serbia
Hello Guys I give you SIX STARS *-*-*-*-*-* more that just five stars!
keep it up! yo!
thank’s for lite version FDM
This would be the bomb
Wonderful. Thanks for a very nice and free download manager.
great very good
Hi, i like FDM. it is better than other download managers and after using FDM i have not used any other down man. i would like u people to plz add ‘proxy’ option in the ‘add download’ window itself. it would be great of u if u do so.
Merci ,merci,beaucoups c’est gooooooooood!!
It’s released under GNU License. So where is the source code available. I have a lot of curiosity to know how some functionalities are implemented.
Wonderful. Thanks for a very nice and free download manager.
Hi and thanks for this wonderful program!!!!!!!!!
Is better than Speedbit® Download Accelerator® for much!!!
Thanks again!!!
Bye, MerolaC
2 Fabien
The source code is available in the Download section on our website:
2 Harish
Unfortunately, we are not planning to implement this feature into FDM.
Perfect! The best DM in the world. I like it and never I change it.
it would be better if you released new version with new styles
I would Like To Thanks The Programmers For Their Efforts For Doing Such A wonderful Program Which You Can Count On , and It’s Free!!!!!
I would like to trey it.
The Most powerful Download Manager ever made, hats off to you. All the best.
Congratulations =)
And thanks, of course.
thank you
thanks i think fdm is the best of all
tnx for this FDM …i love it….
Thanks for a great product. This is really useful product where we still connect through dial up and downloads can be resumed. Please continue the LITE version with plugin support.
Cheers from India !!
This is the best download manager tool ever !
Thank you very much for investing your time and money in such an awesome tool !
I want to locate McAfee download Manager
Well, this version still does not support FTP downloads together with “Get Proxy Settings from Microsoft Internet Explorer”. It tries to contact FTP server directly even when autoproxy configuration says go via (HTTP) proxy.
Cygwin istaller works in the same configuration so it *is* possible.
Great job, guys. Regards from Uruguay, been using this software for years, no doubts it’s the best arround, thx
this very fastest downloading software.i recommened to all users take this.not for try forever use.i already use version 2.1 today i check for latest version and i download it 2.5 i think new version must be best form all.100% marks for FDM.
Very professional & helpfull software from V.1 to V2.5
Thanks, and again thanks, I’ve tried many DM but this is my choice since version 1.1x and now that you become GNU all the community will be glad. Thanks for the effort and the job you did. Greetings from Mexico.
Best DM in the world ^_^
keep it up ,,
thanks FDM team .
With certainty that is the best downalods manager
it was always
it will always be.
the best download manager become open source: you rock guys !!
Best Download Manager.
Thank you for creating and maintaining this for us, your works is greatly appreciated.
It is really amazing, how a free program have so many features and even more features than other shareware download manager.
Before this I have been using GetRight shareware and found out that FDM has cleaner UI and more stable codes than GetRight.
Best Regards,
Richard Laksana
I had two or three complaints about aspects of FDM that made it less than perfect, but I see you just fixed them. Brilliant!
i m simply hooked to this manager.
i have been using it for the past 3yrs without any major problem.
hope fdm team will continue to support us in future.
u ppl rock!!!!!!!!!!
The best download software in the computer world.
good manager this is the greatest download manager forever
I rarely post comments on the Internet but this new release together with the software being open source is really really great news. Congratulations!
thinx this is the greatest dawnload manager …………………saudi arabia..from jeddah
This is the BEST Download Manager In the Whole World comparing to Any paid Download Manager.’s great program……
This is a brilliant softwares i have ever used
This is by far the most powerful download manager. It is a all in one. I have used all the previous versions of FDM. But the newer version(2.5) is very fast in loading .
This is really a great download manager. An all in one package plus its free.
Thanks to you guys. Congatulations
Thank you very much for the free software.
thank you very very much
Thank you very much for the FDM…. from Sweden
guys …….. This is the best download manager ever .
It’s unbelievable!!!!
Thanks, thanks again,
FDM user From Italy.
tanks very very much
thank yuo free fownload manager
thank again for FDM
The best reachable download accelerator.
Cool job.
thank you very much for the free download manager
Awesome download manager ! Keep up the good work !
thank yOoOoOoOoOoOoOU very much >>>> great program!!!!
i think FDM is good software….
Extremely powerfull and cooool. billion thanks
The best things in life are for free….thanx to FDM
Do you know how goes to heaven ? A man that share the freedom with other people
God bless u !
works perfectly whit megaupload, this dont make corrupted downloads like megamanager
thaxx very much the free download manager is very fast and easy to use.taxxzz (usa)
You are in the list of my favorite programs:
1. Free Download Manager
2. Folder Lock
3. Foxmail 5.0
4. Firefox
An excellent addition to my Must-Have Utilities.
Many thanks from Greece !!
You Are The Best…. Thanks So Much…. I like it Very Much Because Its Very Easy To Use……..
Hey man, you are the best!!!!! FDM ROX!!!!!
This software is great. CONGRATS
But as you added support of bittorrent you should also add ability to select which files to download and which to ignore from those that torrent file links to (like BitComet). With that function FDM will have all I need.
Among download managers, free or not, I think this one is the best! Even though I haven’t tried the latest version (2.5) yet, I have used the previous versions and love them! I love it because it’s totally free and doesn’t require registration, unlike some “free” download managers I’ve seen.
Thank you very much, this will be very helpful for me, I noticed it performs excellent with Rapidshare downloads!
thanks to FDM
pls tell me how i can download mp3 files from any site by fdm
2 sp
You can download MP3 files in the same way you perfrom any other downloads with FDM.
dear FDM
really it’s a great job and i used your s/w since april and it’s really fantastic , waw, it’s really very nice s/w and also so easy best reagrds
i’m from egypt
I had to down several program for a computer that crashed. I didn’t have a download manager to speed things along and then a friend told me about your DM. That day changed my life. Not only did I drop my previous DM, I’ve been singing the praises of your DM to everyone I know. Thanks for the upgrade and Thanks for all the work you guys do!!!
FDM is the best around. I’ve tested all the others – DAP, IDM etc.
That is a good job you guys are doing but you need to do more so that you will attract more traffic to your site. I’m always available through my ebox for further consultation as whatever that is hidden is more significant.
Hello, I have been using FDM for several years and I found it absolutely solid piece of software,it is relaible,fast and to boot spyware free…I use FDM exclusively..Thank you for great software…RumiGuru
I will download it and going to test it.
I ‘m hopping that this is a great download manager as people say.
Greetings form Serbia!
FDM is superb… Tested and used other managers till I found FDM.
Excellent !! Nice and great job.
Thank you very, very much !!
Greetings From Uruguay
thank you for this software its amazing!! really wonderfull simple in use and very performant!!! thank you
Wow! Awesome comments here. I read nothing, but only good stuffs about FDM. I guess I’ve to try it to see whether they’re talking the truth. I shall come back again in two weeks time to give my comment. See you then.
Greetings and lotta loves from Malaysia.
Thank you for this great program from bulgaria and israel =]
Thanks for such beautiful download manager available in free domain. Thanks for writing such beautiful software / application for us. Linux version will make you more famous as i have yet to get good download manger in ubuntu / linux os.
Thanks again
Thank guys, FDM is very support for us, i hope FDM to be the best one.
its a awesome program!! thank you very much…from malaysia
best eva free software i have seen! hav been using for years and ma frens like it too!
Hello guys! Very good work you’ve done!!! Better then all i tried before, beats all commercial products in full lenght ^^. Keep going on!
It’s fantastic !! I love It.
It is a very good website , Your website is very useful for us
very helpful
Very good software. Thanks
the best DL!!!!!!…..
one of the best freeware i’ve ever come across…….
….keep up the good work!
a brilliant software that i was needed. this is the right choice for downloading any things,
Once Again Thaaanks to all the members and pragramming masters.
well… this is a very good download manager… i like it 90% though… something is missing… e.g graphical progress (maybe in background of active download window will be great), animated task bar icon (its more eye catching when its move), dsc file not informative enough (needs more detail), slider for bandwidth 1-100% + auto (better than just 3 option speed + auto), custom toolbar, rename while downloading, etc..
good luck to the team FDM
best regards,
andhee @ indonesia
this free manager software is very good .we download very fast in dial up connection.thanks,
Hi, I am from Sri Lanka and I often connect to the net using my CDMA phone. I use DAP (Download Accelerator Plus) which is a crap and many and other download managers. This is a great free program rocks. Thankyou guys for making this program.
thank you for the very usefull and great software i use.
good luck for every one shared in this work.
hi all i am very greatfull for the ppl who developed and upgrade such a master piece of work FDM is truly the one and only trustable download manager THANKS to the team of FDM
Hi All!
It’s great programm.
I make website about GPL software in Russia!
And now FDM will be there.
FDM developers I will be glad to make inteview about your’s FDM and ideas – you can write me to
Thank you for your FDM!
Open Source matters!!!
So Can we expect for Linux any time soon ??
hi,thanks for your helping me
Thank you very much for the great software for free. Think this is the best compared to the purchsaed ones from the market. If you can add up even the website downloader or offline browser it will be breat.
this is totaly AWSUM!!
at least. we’re happy.
free download manager -super!
FDM is the best – and not only in freeware area. Simply The BEST.
Thanks a lot for developers, Cheers
2 Vasundhar
Yes, we are planning a Linux version of FDM and are ready to start its development.
I have been using FDM for quite some time and your newest version is absolutely fantastic. Thank you so so so much.
its work great as a portal Download Manager too
bestest no one can crossss it limits
it’s boooooommmm
extremely good
its nice, useful, working, free and more; good job that i can not, thanks and regards
thankyou fdm team, very good product, all in one kinda thing………
really a gr8 product…………
Thanks 4 the feature rich new version… i’ve been using FDM for a long time n i think there is no real match for this free excellent software….
Free Download Manager is great! Did anybody a compilation for Mac OS X? For PC’s are several download managers available. But none for OS X as Open Source free. Because I’m not using a Mac I can’t do that. And my friends with Mac’s don’t have the knowledge how to compile a source or even not a compiler.
Please help my friends!
thanx for the program
this is a best downloader to download anything
it dosn’t download in my computer it asket for Registration , serial number and i didn’t know the serial.
if you can sent it to me or show me the way to Registration .
You guys rock! FDM is the best download manager ever and the way it manages files and rapidshare links is just awesome! I wonder why Rapidshare hasn’t yet posted FDM as an “RS Compatible Download Manager” though.
Keep up the great work Guys! You are definitely doing a great job! I can just wonder what life would be without FDM. I’ve been using it for over a year now for my downloading needs and I never ever once had to turn back.
sorry verry verry sorry bro FDM is i think world best download manager tanxx keep it up
Thanks a lot, I don’t have visa, mastercard, etc. what so ever, right now, otherwise, I will start supporting this application immediately. I love you so much. Once I am able to put in some support, I will not spare anytime for that. Thanks again, I am so happy and excited.
Well, forgot to say one thing, I used to use flashget, which, recently, I discovered that it is mainly a spyware application since there are a lot of reports of suspicious behaviors and activities while connecting to the net without really using the Internet. I used flashget mainly for torrent download as I can see that it is more efficient (for me) in this than utorrent or other BitTorrent applications. I will use FDM now, without worrying that someone is spying on my me or my computers. Thanks again.
Great product. Thing is after a week of using with Rapidshare – it stops working The file download says done but it aint, so reinstall and fine…Curious
FDM is simply great! You can enjoy the fastest download ever…..
I think it is safe and user friendly which is one of its best quality…….
2 Ben
Please, visit this link to learn more about downloading RapidShare files: If you still have any questions left, direct them to our support team.
Feel Comfortable when using free download Manager
This works much better than any other download accelerator
especially for broken link downloads
thanks for this stuff
a big with all my down loading needs thank you so much
The BEST download manager i ever own and it’s FREE. Thank you very much.
WOW!!! This version is very nice and works fine!
Thank you FDM Team, for this Update, its Cool.
Great Work BRO.
Tinu, Rourkela
Fantastic Software- and of coure it’s Free!!!
Credits You Deserved.
Absolutely fantastic program! I never thought that free can be at least as good as commercial software. But you, guys, have done a supperior job! Very nice GUI, lots of useful info and all features work flawlessly. I have tried many other DL managers – yours is the BEST! Thanks!
How can I put it on?Please anyone tell me
thanks for your sacrifices to millions of customers and users, you are really great, tumbs up
Eras Darlington- Nigeria
I’ve never found an even better download manager than this one… Keep it up…
Thanks for your greatest effort in the batttle of internet .
Hi from Turkey. Absolutely fantastic program! Thank you FDM Team.
I guess I’m a little behind the times. For a year I have been using FDM V2.1 on a daily basis, and was so delighted with the software I never thought to look for any updates until today. The FDM team has created a “Best of Breed” package, and I thank you all deeply for your efforts and continued development as evidenced by this latest release.
Excellent stability and error checking, highly polished interface, options galore; what more can one ask for? And it’s free?!!
I am looking forward to installing V2.5, and I also applaud not only your license release to GNU, but the “Modularity” factor introduced in this latest version. Very nice touch! Thanks again for such an awesome software package.
Hello from Cambodia. Best program! Thank for your release…
thank you.FDM team.
The best, forever and ever!!! FDM Team, u rocks!!!
Cheers from Oz and Brazil !!!
thnk you>>> keep it up
Excellent FDM i’m ur fan forever!!!
regards … from in…
I fill that I need to learn more and more in fun and in information I think it is in your program.
i m a system adminstrator and today i can see in server log
90056 downloads of the same file with FDM 2.x user agent.. GREAT !
i have to drop ip manually to stop this downloader
stupid user or stupid program ?
2 nico
What version do you use? If it’s version 2.1, then there can really be such a bug there. But it has been fixed in later versions.
Simply the best Download Manager…i’ve been using FDM since the later version of 2.1….and i’ve been downloading almost 20 GB using 56K connection… guys should be awarded for making such a free but EXCELLENT program and become an example for any other programmers…..keep it up….salut!!!!
you done the great job
simply excellent
thank you for this wonderful programme
“amazing” and deserve much.
Hi Wonderful. Thanks for a very nice and free download manager
I’d like to say thanks for this excellent software.
thanks a ton… it works …. better and better
All i can say is THANK U VERY MUCH
For All The DM Team
From Indonesia
this version of fdm is awesome
this version of fdm is awesome…..i hope and have confidant that people will like it
i am appeciate, the most inforten software FDM, i use and i like, i like to say thank you for you people in the company that are work on the company,
wow GNU seem interesting. lets give it a try.
will it available in linux or bsd?
I love this software very much!
Free, Nice, Good, Best…
With this new feature, it makes me more love FDM..
Thanks to the FDM team for makes this good DM.
From Indonesia
good job! Just wanted to say thanks. I really appreciate your work! Free software just rocks.
Gr8 software bansri loves it
Just saw it couple a days ago on my friends PC and it was instant MUST HAVE!!! Awesome, far out work! B)
Just keep on being excellent to each other and party on dudes!!! B)
its amazing software and its good.thank you very much
DEAR Admin, please pay great attention to what i am posting:
The program doesn’t work with the free account of RAPID SHARE, even though it gets the name of the file and its format as well, but it does not download the actual file instead only a small part of the file is downloaded. eg if i download real player 11 from rapid share on a free account, whose size is 13.2 mb the manager will only download a few kilobytes only, this is an very importan problem please have a good look at can try it out yourself and see the result, i hope you will get the problem solved as soon as possible. thanks!
Could you please direct your question at our support team?
Hello FDM Team!
its amazing software, its good and The best download software in the computer world.
Thank you very much for this program from Indonesia
hiiii FDM team!!!!!!!
its varyyyyy good fuature…….so very nice…..
Thank FDM team very much!
Can FDM team tell me what is the best setting for FDM????
FDM is just so cool….why pay for other download manager like DAP when FDM is better than that….i love FDM
It’s just GREAT, Now It’s the BEST. Looking for the future versions
I am using FDM since long. I like it much. it is better than other said download managaer
FDM rocks been using it since it was a plugin for ie many many years ago when i had dialup :O how oldschool is that lol
Thankyou very much man. In future i hope you will make this open source too.
2 WiduFromSriLanka
Actually, FDM is open source.
Hmmm i am happy that you guys have built in torrent support in FDM, also add an option, that we can add additional trackers, like in uTorrents
Thanks a lot FDM creators, hats off to ual
This download manager is very fantastic. I have installed many and remove them the same day but FDM has given me more than what I asked for.
God bless you for making FDM available free of charge.
it is really a master piece software . keep it up .
Internet life is good with FDM. Its soooooooo user convifriendly. Fantastic!
thanks for releasing it under GPL.
my love towards this software has increased manyfold
this is very good
Thank You. This is going to be great work !
hi thank you allll
Hello FDM Team!
its amazing software, its good and The best download software in the computer world.
Thank you very much for this program.
I am an Afghan, but I am leaving in Mongolia.
It’d be great if FDM could integrate with Opera. Opera’s download manager sucks !
Hello FDM Team!
How to use with Firefox 3.0?
FDM integration with Firefox browser and could not plugin .
Dear FDM,
Thank you very much for this software THANK YOU!!!!!!!!! Without this my DAY will not be complete thank you!!!!! I love this Software!!!
This download manager is very fantastic. I have installed many and remove them the same day but FDM has given me more than what I asked for.
God bless you for making FDM available free of charge.
Thanks i cant even say much than this .i really love the team of FDM.
find it the best so far
But i dont no the meanings of bit torrent etc
so dont many other ppl.
AMAZING… I needn’t say more:)
-plz add the ability to select which files to download in a torrent.
I have been using this download manager after I first connected to internet(Aproximately Four years).
This is the most powerful, reliable, multipurpose download manager ever built.
It is very user friendly.
-Good Work-
Open Source All ways Rockz….
Congrats for The FDM Team….
Hi FDM Team.
Keep in a good work !!
I Kinda like FDM.
Latest updates, support Torrent file ?
hmm…….another good impression !
Rixxa-Man from Indonesia
Hey? It’s not compatible for Firefox 3 web browser
fdm is the best download manager i’ve ever come across for years. many cheers to the developers. i just changed from windows to ubuntu and i’m sorry to see that a linux version’s not out there yet. will miss this great program!
Thank you very very very much.
Im from Iran. This program works as a miracle . I advise users to uses this software combined with Mozilla FireFox.
pursu your path.
great “n” gud job
its lovely software & best downloading speed ……….thanks for……fdm
A Full 10!!!
I,m using This Software Since 2005 its coooooooooooooool. Download This Software today Thanx.
For a long time now i have been using this great tool that has been provided for the whole world to use.
so keep it up(the good work).
we will not leave your side interms of support.
gooooood wooooorkkkkkkkk
Thanks for the new release
i ve tried many programs in this feild ,, but the only program i like is FDM
with this release i have many options ,,,,
Thanks alot
it is good
Best download manager ever. But my old version does not integrate with the new Firefox.
if support Netfolder Resume thats cool or not please try it…….
every one of FDM Devolopers
great DM
2 things tho..
* it looks like i can’t integrate it in firefox 3
* is there a way to add a list of url from copy/paste ? (i saw the batch download, but what about sites like rapidshare?)
it’s still better than any other manager, close to perfection, maybe next version
To those who have problems with the lack of integration with Firefox 3:
Have you looked at FlashGot? It seamlessly integrates FDM in FFv2 is already compatible w/ FFv3.
i can’t say guess
it’s brilliant software for downloading
just download and start downloading………
i always love FDm.. thanks for upgrade.
It is a very good download software.
Thank to produce it.
Excellent tool!
FDM user from Brazil.
I’ve been using FDM for about a year now. Great product; the best download manager on the planet !!!

For FireFox user, get flashgot to integrated FDM with FireFox; and you will get the best browser on the planet plus the best download manager on the planet =
Thank you FDM team and kudos to you all !!!!!
When I am downloading a program, it finishes till part of it and it stops all of a sudden. Then when i click resume download, it stops as soon as i press resume. Any help? email me I need help plz
great download software!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
thank you.
thank’s a lot, 4 u’r information
I have been using about four year. there is no comercial or noncomercial download manager that can compete with this FDM. If you put the FDM in heavy mode it become extreme sucker to use ultimate available speed. So you are the best Guys to make such great things !!!!!!!!!!!!!
I like FDM Soo much
I like FDM
plz continue upgrading features
is there any version of FDM under Ubuntu !?
thanks for this program and i will try later.
My antivirus program detected a virus in your FDM setup file: W32/FakeAV2008.EJ and deleted it
I just can’t say thnx… thnx can never compensate such a great software…
I just love this software… no commercial software can compete this either
Love u FDM
man you guys are off the hook
even the old version of FDM still rocks
and lookin at the comments i must be in for a treat thanks a bunch guys
keep your brains ticking jah bless y’all
Hey, Congrats on your GPL step.
was long time coming.
This isa very good product
you people did greate job,thnx.but you will try to make this fdm to download videos from”megavideo”.then it will b’come world no 1
Product is overall good
1. when i downloads many files from different portal button required on the menu bar is to resume and start the button over it
2. one more botton to define nos. of download like 1 or 2 or 3
I have used old edition it is good I will use and coment afterwards
thank you
its good
This is the best DM of all i have seen.I it is greeeaaat to have it
it is a great product. congratulations…
it is a great product. congratulations…
Excellent FDM. Great job
Nice Job…
since i am know about computer and internet
I am using FDM, It’s Free and working faster
good job dute….
continue your service
Thank’s…… it is a great product. congratulations…
I love this software very much!Free, Nice, Good, Best With this new feature, it makes me more love FDM..Thanks to the FDM team for makes this good DM and one again fray for more success.
hi FDM team!!!!!!!
it’s very good feature…
free download is the best & i trust it no errors good one keep it….
I have been using about four year. there is no comercial or noncomercial download manager that can compete with this FDM. If you put the FDM in heavy mode it become extreme sucker to use ultimate available speed. So you are the best Guys to make such great things !!!!!!!!!!!!!
What version of FDM will support my windows 7?
Download maneger was introduce to me by a friend of my, and ever since then have being using it till this very moument. Thanx Team………………………………..
i love you
very good
thank for free download . it is best
love this software very much!Free, Nice, Good, Best With this new feature, it makes me more love FDM..Thanks to the FDM team for makes this good DM and one again fray for more success.
oky very very good .you are best
I have been using a different download manager for a long long time, I never heard of FDM and I was searching on google for something better with more features, google brought me here I read all the comments posted and they were all positive so I decided to give it a try and it was the best experience I have ever had with a download manager, It was faster than those I have tried for years and I was able to preview the video before the actuall file was completed, a 700MB took me 5 minutes with FDM while the others 12 minutes, Thank You FDM I am an eternal FDM user for life now!!!
thanks. oky very very good .you are best
thankx and good running
THANKS for this software
good software
Thanks for such beautiful download manager available in free domain. Thanks for writing such beautiful software / application for us. Linux version will make you more famous as i have yet to get good download manger in ubuntu / linux os.
I have tried a lot of stuff out there but this is the only download manager which actually seems to do the job it was made for
i love softwere
thnkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk u so much………………………..i like this and i nvr chenge….for my live………….
Great article, thank you again for wiirtng.
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I’m not sure why but this site is loading incredibly slowly for me.
Is anyone else having this issue or is it a problem on my end?
I’ll check back later on and see if the problem still exists.