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FDM 6.0 for Android

Dear FDM Users,

We are happy to announce that Free Download Manager is now officially available on Android. Although this is just an early alpha build, and the app doesn’t have much to show off, you are welcome to give it a try and let us know of your impressions.

We did our best to make the experience smooth and pleasant to the eye. How do you like it? What do you think is essential for a mobile download manager? What do you personally expect from FDM for Android? Use our forum to get the download link and leave us a comment.

43 thoughts on “FDM 6.0 for Android”

I have a Samsung Galaxy S7 and I really want this Manager. Could you please send me a link to download
Thanks Sherry Bennett

At present I am using FDM for Desktop. I find it very useful. Now, I will be prevelaged if I get an Android version of FDM. Pl arrange to send the required link for Androud version of FDM at the earliest. Many many thanks in advance.

Its good to have your app but its not updated since an year…..many download managers have built in browser with adblocking and even a grabber to download every media file it can show me….i dont see a thing to use your app…….are you still developing the app or is it dead?

FDM is not starting in my Phone Reason:QML Load Failure and ask me to Reinstall the App but still having this error

Quiero darles las gracias por la rapidez con la que suelen solucionar cualquier problema que tengamos los usuarios.felicidades chicos por el trabajo que haceis.

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