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Free Download Manager 適用Windows系統


Windows 11/10系統的FDM 6.24.2 下載 64-bit (43 MB) 从 Microsoft Store 安装


适用于旧版 Windows 的稳定版本

Windows 8.1/8/7系統的FDM 6.24

FDM 的第三方附加组件


  • 快速、安全且有效率地下載
  • 從熱門網站下載影片
  • 現代化設計的友善介面


Windows 11/10/8.1/8/7系統的FDM 5.1.38 FDM 3.9.7 於Windows XP 及更高版本 精简版的插件


avatar Julia Rimond

Guys, many thanks for Free Download Manager! It's very easy for average users like me to download files. I really like the Snail mode. For example, when I skype my mum, Free Download Manager doesn't break the connection, it just minimazes the download speed. Great trick! And special thanks for the dark theme:)

avatar Majid Pooreftekhari

Superb fast on torrent downloads! How is it possible? I'm using uTorrent for many years, but today I downloaded a tutorial with FDM with maximum speed of my net 128kb/s while uTorrent was around 25kb/s barely. I don't know what is the problem with uTorrent (latest update) on my machine but for now I'm more happy and thankful with FDM. C++ is the best.

avatar Alex Robinson

FDM is like a full version of IDM (Internet Download Manager), but completely free! Don't overpay and don't use cracks - download FDM, an amazingly powerful and hassle-free tool. I use it professionally in different environments to ensure that large downloads are fast and resumeable. Always works without a hitch.

avatar Frank

Thank you so much for this product. It is the best because it really provides its name stands for. I've been using your product since times when ReGet was in place and everybody thought that there is nothing better it. NO! You're the best!! thank you!

avatar Kristen Pawlson

I want to thank you for developing such a wonderful tool and even offering it for free. In my opinion it is the best advertising-free download manager – as far as I know there is no comparable tool out there.

5月 3, 2024
我们很高兴地宣布发布免费下载管理器 6.22 版。此最新更新进行了改进和错误修复,以简化下载流程并改善整体用户体验。新版本引入了 torrent 的详细信息选项卡、更无缝的命令行功能以及其他界面改进。 FDM 中的关键修复解决了与实时流下载、通过 HTTP 下载的文件名称错误、自动下载启动功能以及其他小问题相关的几个问题。
12月 19, 2023
FDM 是一款免费下载管理器,仍在不断发展。新版本 6.20 运行在全新的内核上,UI 是从头开始设计的。我们这样做是为了确保 FDM 在可以运行它的每台设备上顺利运行。此外,还有 20 多个新功能和十多个错误修复。
9月 13, 2023
尊敬的 FDM 用户!我们承认有关安全问题的报告,并向您保证我们正在积极调查这些报告。维持您的信任是我们的首要任务,我们努力对情况进行直接、诚实的描述。不幸的是,我们必须确认过去对我们网站的破坏。根据我们的调查结果,我们网站上的一个特定网页受到了……的破坏。
3月 31, 2023
尊敬的 FDM 用户!我们很高兴地宣布免费下载管理器现已在 Microsoft Store 上架!如果您还没有下载 FDM,可以更快、更轻松、更高效地下载文件。请在商店中留下积极评价并为该应用程序投票。您的反馈和支持将帮助我们继续改进 FDM 并提供最佳的下载体验。感谢您选择免费下载管理器!
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